This week, the girls and I were scheduled to spend the week in North East...however plans changed due to some periodontal surgery I, we postoned our trip and decided to try and do some extra special things here to make it a fun "stay-cation.
The week started off last weekend, with the girls having a special sleepover with their cousin, Autumn. They had a great time! They went swimming, rode bikes, had a fire pit, roasted marshmallows, caught fire flies and played a game of hide-n-seek in the dark, while wearing glow bracelets! It was a perfect night. As they settled downstairs to get ready for bed...Autumn showed Alexia a new journal that she had just started and Alexia wanted to write a journal as well...
Here was Alexia's journal entry...
"Saturday, July 16, 2011 ~ I was playing with my cuz Autumn and we had fun swimming. Tomorrow we're going swimming again. SOOO Fun! We also roasted smores outside, well actually in the microwave, then we played in the dark and hid with our glow sticks. It was Awesome. I love playing with Autumn and Megan."
The girls all slept downstairs together and I slept in the guest bedroom...just in case I was needed. Once they all fell asleep, I didn't hear from them again until around 9:30 was beautiful.
Then on Sunday, we had all the aunts, uncles and cousins over for a swimming party! It was another great day...I don't think our pool has ever seen that much action :)
Here are some of the best pics from the fun in the pool!
The 3 "Stars" of the Show, for sure :) |
Megan agreed to go in the pool, as long as Autumn held onto her! |
Joshy...just chill'in :) |
The girls must have jumped into the pool at least 100 times each... |
Megan...finally enjoying the pool! |
These girls were ruthless with the spray guns... |
Poor Matt was almost always their target!! He was a great sport about it all!! |
A special moment among cousins... |
Aunt Tracy, giving Joshy some "lovin" |
Aunt Steph...joining in the fun! |
Autumn was showing the girls all kinds of new tricks... |
Of course, one of Megan's silly faces has to be a part of EVERY picture-taking event! |
Daddy, making a splash!!! |
And finally...the crew who watched the madness from a distance!
After all of fun in the sun, the girls took a little rest and then headed to her first night of Vacation Bible'll hear more about that a little bit later.
This was a crazy hot week...temps in the High 90's/100's all we spent a lot of time in the pool...Alexia and Daddy even did some nighttime swimming.
One of our most fun times of swimming was when we were able to go to a spontaneous swimming party at Alayna & Grady's house. Alexia learned how to jump off of a diving board and Megan got up the courage to stand in the shallow end on her own (this really was big deal...)
What a great group of friends...adults and kids alike :)
On Thursday evening, the kids had their last night of VBS, so I was able to go to Scott's Softball game and actually WATCH the game. So, I took advantage of being able to take a few pics...Here's my man in action! They won both games...not too bad, considering they were playing in 100+ degree temps.
So, after Scott's softball game, I headed over to VBS to watch the closing program...the older kids had a competition all week where they could be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card to Toys R Us. In order to have their name entered, they had to come every night to VBS, bring at least 2 friends with them, memorize all 5 Bible Verses for the week and complete all of their projects during the week...Alexia worked hard at this all week long and she was one of seven kids who were entered into the Grand Prize Drawing. Earlier on Thursday, Alexia was talking about how she probably wouldn't win...I tried to encourage her that she "might" win, but not get her hopes up too high.
Well, it came to that point in the night...and the winner is...
ALEXIA KAPLIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Ya think she's a little happy??? |
Celebrating with two of her best friends!
I was really proud of Alexia and Megan for their excitement about all that they learned about Jesus at VBS...they are already talking about going next year, so I'm thankful they didn't miss it.
Megan had a great time at VBS as well, but did not want any pictures, you'll just have to trust me on this one!