Thursday, February 3, 2011


After about a year of Alexia begging us to do gymnastics again...we finally agreed :)  As we were talking to her about it, Megan asked if she could go, too.  I wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but Alexia thought it was a great idea and said, "Don't worry, Mommy...I'll help Megan if she can't do something."  So, with that promise and an opportunity for them to do an activity together as sisters...(with how different these girls are, I don't imagine we'll have many of those in the years to come) -- we signed them both up! 

Tonight was their first night, and it was entertaining to say the least!
Here they are before the class excited to be there :)

This picture just cracks me up for some reason...

So, the class began with some warm-ups and stretching...although they did manage to get Megan to sit in the circle with them, she was having no part of the warm-ups.

Alexia was enjoying herself from the moment we walked in the door, but little Megs...well, she did a lot of staring at the floor and acting very shy.

Thankfully, however, just as I was about to give up hope that Megan was going to do any of the activities, they divided the large group into 3 smaller groups and then she seemed to come alive a bit.

Here are a few pics of their first class...

As you can see in this last picture, Megan was having a pretty good time by the end of the class!  Hopefully it won't take her quite as much time next week to warm up, but we'll take it one week at a time.
As we were leaving, I asked Alexia if she liked her other gymnastics class better or this one....Without hesitation she said, "I definitely liked this one better.  There was more stuff to do and more kids!!!"  I guess we don't have to wonder where her focus and priorities are in all of this :)


1 comment:

  1. Those two crack me up ! ~~ They get sooooooo much out of everyday life;-) ~~ Good for them.
