Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Celebrations

Time just seems to be flying by these days...I have many pics to post in order to get caught I'll do my best to give at least a snapshot of all we've had going on lately.

Of couse, no Easter Celebration is complete without coloring some Easter Eggs. 

Each year, the ECC also does a great job providing different activities to help the kids celebrate Easter.  Alexia was off of school the Thursday before Easter, so she was able to go into Megan's class with me and help with the Easter party.  The party kicked off with an Easter Egg Hunt...and then we all went inside for some games and snacks.  Here are a few pics of the Easter Egg Hunt.  Alexia filled her egg carton in about 10 seconds, but then was great about helping some of the younger kiddos find all the eggs needed to fill their cartons, too.

I still love seeing the girls in these colorful matching sweaters :)

Megan has made some great friends this year at preschool.  Here she is with Bekka, who is such a little cutie.  And below, she is posing with Cameron and Evan...these two boys absolutely ADORE Megan and greet her every morning with hugs as they chant, "Megan is here, Megan is here." 

The final traditional celebration of Easter for us involved Easter Baskets.  This year, we decided to hide the girls baskets and sent them on the hunt for them.  Scott came up with the hiding place and figured the girls would look for over an hour before they found them.  Well,  that hour turned into about a 4-minute hunt.

After quickly (& secretly) coming up with their gameplan on where they were going to look first, they headed to the laundry room...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had a great Easter ! I love "The Blog"
