Alexia and Megan have been so excited about they were definitely ready to open door #1 to see what was planned for the day. They jumped out of bed, woke me up and went straight to the advent calendar house...
Megan got to open the door and Alexia read the note:
"Go get dressed and ready to leave...we are going to the School Holiday Breakfast and meeting up with our good friends the Williams and Bitz Families."
As soon as we arrived, we ran into the Evans Family, whom we haven't seen in a long time. Terri, their mom and I were talking about how strong of a connection these girls have with each matter how much time passes between their play dates, they continue to be the best of friends with each other.
The Kaplins and the Williams...lifelong friends!
After breakfast, they had a few different activities for the kids to do...singing carols with the middle school choir, arts and crafts and even pictures with Santa!
Megan and Grady...these two crack me up!!
The even begged us to sit on Santa's we agreed. Alexia asked Santa for a guitar and Megan asked Santa for an art kit (like Alexia's since Alexia won't share with her)...that girl certainly isn't afraid to say it like it is!
After the breakfast, we stopped to get our Christmas Tree and then came home for some cookies and punch!
This is going to be one very fun month!!
Another way to celebrate this wonderfull season..