Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm

Today we made our annual visit to Cherry Crest Adventure Farm and really had a great time!!
The girls and I have now been there 3 times, but today was the first time Daddy was able to go with, this made our visit extra special :)

Cherry Crest is known for their "Amazing Corn Maze" and while we attempted to go through it as a family...the girls did not last very Alexia, Megan and I took a quick exit out of the maze and left Daddy to fend for himself as he finished the rest of it on his own (he actually enjoyed the challenge and being able to go at a bit of faster pace)!

Here are a few pics of us while we were still together in the maze...

The weather was okay for most of the day...but we did get about an hour of rain while we were there.  So, the girls and I made the best of it inside a huge hay bin... 

Another activity that kept us busy during the rain was the girls creating their bottled Sand Art...they love doing sand art and were very focused on their creations :)

There were many other activites that they enjoyed as are a few other highlights...

Cherry Crest also offers a wonderful little animal farm, where the girls enjoyed feeding and petting many of the goats, sheep, bunnies, and even a llama. 

However, what the girls enjoyed the most in the animal farm area was being able to hold the baby chicks, who were only 4 days old.

And, finally...before we left the farm...we had the chance to meet Bob & Larry from Veggie Tales...what a neat surprise...and, of course, Mommy had to get a picture :)

As a mom, I love bringing the girls to this farm each year because it is just full of simple, everyday kind of fun...none of the activities are super over-the-top, but all of them reflect a sort of "old school" fun that doesn't require crazy technology or flashing lights. 
All that is really needed is a family who loves each other and is ready to spend a fun day together...and that is what we had really was a great day in my book :)

And, when asked what their favorite part of the day was...
Scott-- definitely the challenge of the can ask him about puzzle piece #2!
Alexia--jumping on the massive trampoline bounce
Megan--going down the super big slide with Daddy and Alexia (sorry, no pic..batteries died);
Mommy--spending the day with the 3 people who help make my life so complete!!

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