Saturday, April 16, 2011

Loving Her New Bike!!!

As promised, after school yesterday, we headed to Toys R Us to get Alexia her new bike.  Megan got a new tricycle , too, but her excitement about that didn't last much past the parking lot, I'm afriad.

Alexia, however, immediately had me take off the training wheels when we got home and to the street we went.  She learned how to ride w/o the training wheels on a 12 inch bike and her new one is 16 inches, so it took a few minutes to get use to it, but again, she was determined and after another 2 hours of bike riding, she was doing great.

Here she is...riding her new her glory!!

The biggest thing she was trying to master yesterday was making turns on her bike and being able to start each time completely on her own. 

She was loving it....and, although she took a break on her bike for a quick snack and later some dinner, she was pretty much on her bike until we made her come in to get ready for bed.

I think Daddy is going to have to get the dust wiped off and some air in the tires of his bike because this girl is ready to ride!!

Megan's bike riding was a bit short lived.  I did manage to get a few snapshots of her...

However, most of Megan's time outside is spent on the swings, the slide, golfing (Papa, you would be impressed with her swing!) and simply entertaining us...I'll try to get a few pics of her favorite activities to share, but in the meantime, I have to share this one from yesterday...

Megan has the ability to entertain and make me laugh like no other...I love her a ton!!

Playing outside the last couple of days with the girls makes me very excited for some spring temps and time outdoors!!  It was a long winter and we are ready to come out of hibernation :)

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